Law 17/2009, of November 23 and press release from the National Commission of markets and competition, on free access to service activities and their exercise. With staff prepared to meet your needs we offer:
Integral Management Project.
- Contractes necessaris per al correcte funcionament de totes les instal·lacions.
- S'estudien amb la Junta de Govern de la Comunitats, les necessitats mensuals que van sorgint.
- Assessorament legal i fiscal als propietaris.
- Assegurances integrals.
- Servei de neteja (personal a càrrec de l'administració).
Community books
Custody of:
- Community minutes book.
- Social Security visit book.
Owners' meetings
- Call for ordinary and extraordinary meetings.
- Assistance of the Administrator to the Boards.
- Writing of minutes.
- Submission of minutes to the owners within 20 days of the date of its celebration, by certified mail, ordinary or in the mailbox of the community.
- The Ordinary Board will be held at least once a year.
- The Extraordinary Meetings will be held whenever they are necessary.
- I.T.E. Technical inspection of the building, when appropriate.
- Inspections of the elevator and other facilities, when appropriate.
Economic management – administrative
- Management in the Banking Entity of the community receipts.
- Monthly, quarterly or annual statement of income and expenses, Bank accounts and state of pending receipts.
- Collection of defaulters. (Judicial expenses not included).
- Management with the Local Administration.
- Study and preparation of the annual budget.
Maintenance and repairs
- Maintenance of community facilities and elements.
- Study with the Board of maintenance needs and community repairs, request the necessary budgets.
Direct attention to the owners
The Secretary - Administrator will attend the owners in his office in person, by telephone or telematics for any clarification or consultation they may require.
Professional fees
The monthly professional fees, result from the scale of Professional Fees of the Sector in the area.